Monday, October 29, 2007

Feng Shui

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art.
There are many definitions for feng shui but it literally means wind and water. These two natural forces influence and create energy also
called qi or ch'i. Chi is our life force. It exists in all life forms. Time and place is critical when creating a correct feng shui environment and can manifest abundant opportunities such as good health, prosperity, love and success in our lives.

The quality of chi can either create a productive environment or if stagnant can influence us in a negative way. Feng shui is not a religion, cult, myth, superstition or magic. It is an ancient art and natural science. The proper application of feng shui through the implementation and use of elements and remedies can balance energy flow in our surroundings and create a healthy and harmonious home or office environment.

Today Feng Shui is used by many people from all walks of life around the world.

For more information


For a feng shui consultation email me at

1 comment:

Pam Case said...

Anna Maria has the unnerving ability to see into the essence of a person and their space and recognize what is in need of repair. She's brilliant!

Pam Case, Tulsa, OK